Image by: Francesco Marino/
To begin with lets start this talk about tolerance with some basic definitions.
Here are the definitions for tolerance taken both the Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, Copyright 1980. G & C Merriam Company, Springfield, MA, USA. and from Merriam/Webster's Online Dictionary (Pictured below)
The definitions for the word tolerance haven't changed much over the years. The last two definitions don't really apply to this discussion so we can let them go and focus on definitions 1 and 2.
The definitions for the word tolerance haven't changed much over the years. The last two definitions don't really apply to this discussion so we can let them go and focus on definitions 1 and 2.
Main Entry: tol·er·ance
Pronunciation: \ˈtä-lə-rən(t)s, ˈtäl-rən(t)s\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : capacity to endure pain or hardship : endurance, fortitude, stamina
2 a : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b : the act of allowing something : toleration
But doesn't it seem like
there's a new and different meaning surfacing in our society and other societies around the globe?
WikiAsk poses the question: "What does tolerance mean?"
The Answer? ...willingness, capacity, to tolerate; permitted variation in dimension, weight, etc. If I tolerate this question I accept it : It is tolerable.
Tolerance is about acceptability.
WikiAsk poses the question: "What does tolerance mean?"
The Answer? ...willingness, capacity, to tolerate; permitted variation in dimension, weight, etc. If I tolerate this question I accept it : It is tolerable.
Tolerance is about acceptability.
What does this mean for followers of Jesus,Christians who want to share the faith with others, and seekers of the truth?
It has been called "The New Tolerance." There is a best-selling book out on this subject of the same name, by well known apologist Josh Mc Dowell. Just what is this new tolerance? At first it sounds good, like it wouldn't conflict with religion at all. But it does.
To put it simply the new tolerance means a religious, social, and cultural acceptance of those who can accept each others beliefs, or non-belief as equal.
It also means a vigorous non-acceptance of those whose beliefs conflict with the equality. This non-acceptance has made it all the way to "tolerance law" in some countries.
This kind of tolerance widens the belief circle. What couldn't qualify as religion in the past, is in the club with this new and developing schema. It also goes so far as to
tightening the leash on religions like Christianity that claim exclusivity of faith.
Christianity claims to be the only way, and is therefore exclusive, and excluding of others. Religions that are non-exclusive claim many paths to the same goal. This is in clear opposition to the basic doctrines of the Christian faith as outlined in the Bible.
Religion is often blamed as the source of conflicts that erupt in war, death, famine and disease around the world. So it makes sense that the world mind would begin to clamp down by
making religious expression against the law. It is a frightening idea to those who are will not deny their faith to fit in with the crowd and agree. What do you think?
Copyright 2010 Linda Kay Hardin The Christian's Notebook
Copyright 2010 Linda Kay Hardin The Christian's Notebook