Connecting with God

Image by: Simon Howden/

How to Connect with God

Connecting with God is as simple as connecting with a friend.  God loves You and wants to talk with you through prayer. The first prayer you should say to God is what is often called  the "Sinner's prayer", or a prayer for forgiveness. It doesn't mean you are a bad person, because you were, in fact made in God's image.  But there is a human tendency toward going the  wrong way, which will ultimately end in the death of your soul, through permanent separation with God. This is described in the Bible as "Hell" There are many ways to describe it. This is a terrible end and most people don't realize they are headed for it.

When you are ready to pray, here are some words to help you get started: 

Dear God,

I know that I am separated from you by going against Your way, and this is called sin.  I agree with you about the state of my soul, that it is in darkness without Your light.  I agree that I have gone against your laws and have broken the covenant (agreement) which has been put in place to save my soul through Jesus taking my place and the weight of my sin, by dying to pay the penalty of death for me when He died on the cross.

I have come to believe Jesus Christ is truly the only Son of God.  And He has the answers I seek.  I believe that He didn't just die for me and stay in the grave. Jesus remained in the grave until on the third day  He was resurrected to  life, and has prepared a place for me in  Heaven's paradise. When my mortal body fails,  I will be with Jesus when I die.

I agree that He and only He is the master of my soul.  I and agree to follow Him and learn of Him for the rest of my days on earth, never to deny nor be ashamed of the name by which I am now saved, Jesus Christ  the Son of God.


Now What?
Once you have connected with God through Jesus there are four important things to do.

1. Tell someone1(888)needhim is a good start.  You could also call a local church, or a Christian Friend.

2. Connect with a church that believes the basic truths of Christianity.  If you are not sure, check our statement of faith and use it as a guide.

3. Start going to church and Get Baptised.  Some churches dunk (immerse), some sprinkle, both ways are acceptable.  Getting baptized tells the world outside, about your inside choice to follow Jesus.

4. Get a Bible.  Some churches have old Bibles on hand and can give you one to start with. offers a huge selection.  You can get one at Wal-mart, or any Christian Store.  Bibles can be downloaded to a smart phone, Compact Disc, or from the Internet.  The choices are almost overwhelming.  For ideas on where to start check our section called, "Bible Maze".