Finding a Church

The Basics
It is not as easy as it used to be to find a Christian church.  Yet it is one of the most important choices you will make as you continue along your spiritual journey.  This is something you should definatly pray about. Try to be aware of the tugging of the Holy Spirit as He leads you towards the truth. When looking for a Christian church, you are looking for the truth.  Seek the truth, in teaching, fellowship and worship.

The  most important task in finding the right church is separating truth from error.

The first question to answer is this:  "Is the truth of God the center of this fellowship?"

The truth of God is found in:

1. Jesus Christ, (who is Himself the  embodi
ment of truth.)

2. The Word of God, 
   (which is a permanent, living record of the truth.)

3. The Holy Spirit (Who leads us into all truth.)

4. People who live out the truth in Christian practice.

There are so many denominations and worship formats it's almost overwhelming.  And We will take time here to go over them.  But for starters  Here are some more helpful hints:

A Good church is one where:

The Bible is the center of teaching and preaching.  
The Bible, not someone's opinion, psychology, special revelation, or mix of Christianity &  another religion is at the core of all.

Jesus is at the center of worship. 
Jesus, not the church, the pastors, or the churches fantastic program are at the center.  Anything else that seems to take Jesus place as the center of worship is a red flag.

The Holy Spirit  leads, but is not over glorified.  
All People who have recieved Christ as Lord and Savior are Christians, and All Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit.

The members are freindly and welcoming. 
Most members are Godly examples, living out their faith as best they can. Rember this above all else: 

There are no perfect people, and
there are no perfect churches. 

Make a commitment. People have been known to hop from church to church, like Christian jet setters.  This is not healthy. Once you have found a good church stay with it until you feel led of the Holy Spirit to move. After checking out the church and making sure it is a safe, healthy growing  community of believers,  make a commitment  and determine to stick with it.  

Words to the Wise
It is sad for us to have to include this warning, but necessary at the same time. A recent experience compells us to warn those looking for a church fellowship to be aware that there are many cults and counterfits out there.  New believers especially should take heed. The Bible warns us of groups and individuals are not what they seem. Jesus warned us that imposters woud come amoung us.  

Sometimes these pseudo believers can cause great damage to entire congregations and individual souls.  It is important to be aware that these folks are amoung us, even as Jesus predicted they would be. Take the time  to get to know a church before making a final commitment  to membership.  Talk to the pastor,  elders and deacons.    Come to board meetings and get to know the policies and procedures as well.   Make sure the doctrinal statement is Biblical and lived out in the lives of church members.

Be conscious of any Over emotionality, odd behavior.  Remember that  displays anger, verbal or physical violence and posturing have no place in the Christ centered church.   Predudice and unusual secrecy also are red flags  that all is not well in a body of believers.   Make sure that you pick a church that is healthy and you will find your growth in Christ will be inhanced.